Thomos Outdoor World
At Thomo’s Outdoor World our mission is to provide top class SUP training that is safe, accessible and enjoyable by providing quality innovative training alongside inspiring adventures. We have been working in the outdoor industry for over 20 years as providers, leaders and coaches. Our passion is to share our knowledge, thus empowering fellow paddleboarders to stay safe and support their SUP journey.
We have always looked upon the SUP Wales community as being a respected, professional provision so when the opportunity arose to work in partnership with SUP Wales we jumped at the chance. SUP Wales ethos and our own are perfectly aligned, centred around supporting paddlers in our wonderful sport of paddle boarding, whether it be personal development, safety or just their experience. We are also proud to be providers of British Canoeing courses, awards and qualifications in personal performance, safety, coaching and leadership across the whole arena of paddle boarding.
With the recent increase in popularity in our sport, we have seen a large proportion of people accessing iSUPs for the first time and then taking to water with little or no knowledge around the risks. We have seen increased call-outs for the Coastguard and RNLI relating to iSUPs being blown off shore and/or paddlers being separated from their iSUP due to improper leash use. We have had the privilege during the recent challenging times in educating paddlers to ensure they are safe and well informed so that they have the tools and knowledge to keep themselves and others safe. We are SUPer encouraged to see a marked increase in people taking up safety courses or personal performance awards over the last two years. These courses are tailored to individual’s requirements and are delivered either on a one to one basis or in small groups to enable them to develop and absorb the information at their own speed. This also ensures there is plenty of practical time on the water.
Here are the views from a few SUP Wales paddlers who have booked on some of our courses and both their journey and confidence gained are clear to see in their own words:

SUP Wales are delighted to work with such a professional and passionate outfit such as Thomos Outdoor World, and what's more hear exciting stories on how we have helped SUPers on their paddle journey throughout the Welsh region lately.
If you are in a similar situation, no matter what you are looking for, where you are located or for trip planning when visiting idyllic Wales feel free to register interest here and we'll do our upmost to help you out!
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